Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And from the GAA pitch

The following are a selection of phrases commonly heard on the GAA pitch or in the surronding area, if you can think of anymore drop me a comment.

Slang -
Hatchet Man
Description: The player in any side which proves that man is a descendant of the monkey. Can be spotted as the fella with the stumble, spitting into his hands, and have two different colour of socks on.

Slang - A joult
Description: To give a joult is short for giving the opposition a good push

Slang - Leh-it-in-ta-feck-would-ya
Description: Full forward`s appeal to a midfielder for a more timely delivery of the pass.

Slang - in tha namajaysus
Description: a show of misunderstanding or disappointment, normally expressed to the referee.

Slang - a rake
Description: A great amount of anything, usually pints of Guinness the night before an important match

Added from comments:

Popular name for a fat hairy GAA player

Consumed with "tay" on the sides of roads after matches in Croker or Thurles, usually contains half a pound of butter

Instructions from the sideline to tackle your man

instructions from the sideline to tackle your man

Disagreement involving four or more players

Disagreement involving both teams, including goalies,!substitutes and supporters jumping fences

A massive row that continues out in the parking area or dressing room areas, usually resolved by the Gardai

- Not very impressive.

The Mayo GAA Phrasebook "I gave it holly"-i put a fair bit of effort into it.
Bollix............Pat Spillane or any Kerry or Galway players or supporters.
Mighty............Very Good!
Hames.............A right ****e-eg. "He made a hames of that chance"
Timber............Intimidation of an opponent in hurling-eg."Show him some timber"
Lamp..............A good thump-eg. "I swung for the slitor, missed by three feet and lamped the full back"
A Crowd...........A gathering of people who watch and hope for some random acts of violence-eg. Galway Supporters
Schelp............To remove living tissue in the absense of surgical procedures-eg. "that Bollix from Galway took a schelp outta me leg"
Hatchet Man.......Mountainy type, uses hunter/gatherer instincts
Bullin'...........Angry-eg. "The centre-half was bullin' after I lamped him"
Bull Thick........Very angry-eg. "The centre-half was bull thick after I lamped him again"
Joult.............A push-eg. "I gave him a joult and he has to wear a neak brace for two weeks"
The Comm-A-Tree...Local GAA bull****ers in general
Bushted...........An undefined soreness-eg. "Jay my arm is bushted"
The Bomber........Popular name for a fat, hairy GAA player
Hang Sagwidge.....Consumed with "tay" by the Galway supporters on the sides of the roads after matches in Croker or Castlebar, usually contains half pound of butter
Rake..............A great amount of anything, usually pints of Guinness the night before an important match
Indanamajaysus....(in-da-nama-Jaysus!!)--What was that for Referee?
Ya Bollix Ya......Corner back's formal recognition of a score by his opponent
Leh-It-In-Ta-****-Wud-Ya....Full forwards appeal to a midfielderfor a more timely delivery of the pass
Mullocker.........Untidy or awkward player released for matches
Busht Da Bollix...Instrutions from the sideline to tackle your man
Row...............Disagreement involving four or more players
Massive Row.......Disagreement between both teams, including goalies, subs and supporters jumping fences
All-Hell-Broke-Loose...A massive row that continues out in the carpark or in the dressing rooms, usually resolved by the Gardai

Thanks to yurmothrintites from


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グリー said...

最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ

ツイッター said...

ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!

モテる度チェッカー said...


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